
Published on August 03, 2022


Viewpoints hill Groapa Iepii, altitude 515 m.
The Caraş gorges in the Ţolosu wild sector - the Caraş/Comarnic confluence are 4.5 km long and are formed by the Caraş river which eroded the Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones. The slopes are predominately with cliffs, slabs, vertical walls and pits at the base. The river meanders, forming brooks and calcareous ridges that descend from the edge of the gorges to the river. In the Cârni Pole karst plateau located on the right side, there are numerous sinkhole valleys, laps and ravines, and on the slopes of the gorges there are hundreds of caves and vents. Total length of the keys: 19km; maximum depth: 200m.

Viewpoints hill Zaglavac, altitude 400.
The Caraş Gorges in the Caraşova / Poiana Prolaz sector are 5.2 km long and are formed by the Caraş River which eroded the Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones. The slopes are predominately rocky, vertical wall slabs and pits at the base.
The river meanders, forming brooks and calcareous ridges that descend from the edge of the gorges to the river. There are dozens of caves on the slopes of the gorges, the largest being the Cave under Cetate II and the Bat Cave. The slopes are partially covered with vegetation of bushes or trees of the species beech, gorun, cer on the gentler slopes.
Total length of the keys: 19km; maximum depth: 200m

Viewpoints Dealul Golaș, altitude 580m
The Gârliște gorges are formed by the Gârliște stream that eroded the calcareous rocks. The slopes are steep or vertical, heavily forested along their entire length. Limestone walls, cliffs, grottos and caves predominate. There are several waterfalls, rapids and springs on the water course.
The slopes are covered in the upper part with chasmophytic vegetation of bushes (Cornus mas, Carpinus orientalis, Syringa vulgaris, Ruscus aculeatus) and in the valleys or at the base of the slopes with beech, gorun, cer trees. Hygrophilous vegetation grows along the water with associations of Petasites hibridus and on the banks Salix eleagnos trees.
A sector of quays is crossed by the embankment of the narrow-gauge forestry railway crossing two tunnels.
From the viewpoint, you can see the Gârliștei Gorge, the Moghila hill and the karst plateaus towards the Carașova area.
Total length of the keys: 9 km; maximum depth: 200 m.

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